The Blog Farm

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The harvest is on ...

We harvested a ton of corn, peppers and cucumbers yesterday. The garden is really maturing and the cool weather seems to have given it some additional strength. I think we'll wind up with a quite a haul this year. Does anyone need any cucumbers?

I went to Costco yesterday and bought a Foodsaver vacuum packing machine. It rocks. We blanched and froze a bunch of the corn we picked. I also have 41.5-quart pressure canner coming in the mail on Wednesday. I can't wait for that! It will can 19 quart jars at one time, and I think it will hold 32 pint jars! That is going to be a big time saver... just in time for the tomato harvest which should be in full swing within a couple of weeks.

Here is a picture of yesterday's haul...


  1. Thansk for the cucumbers and the tomatoes, very good indeed. The Stickman

  2. oh my goodness, think of all those thinly sliced triangle cucumber sarnies with the crusts cut off :)


  3. I love a good sarnie. The English might have something there, at least for vegetarians. The Stickman
